
  • Database

    My Notes – DB

    Normalizing Your Database • A table should store only data for a single type of entity. • A table should avoid nullable columns. ========= what is normalization? Basically, it’s the process of efficiently organizing data in a database. There are two goals of the normalization process: eliminate redundant data (for example, storing the same data in more than one table) and ensure data dependencies make sense (only storing related data in a table). ______ CAPital

  • Database

    Migrating from MS Access Database to MS SQL Server

    How to Migrate from Access 2002 to SQL Server 2000 ============================ Migrating Your MS Access Database to MS SQL Server 7.0 [detailed explanation of migration of Queries] _____ CAPital

  • Database

    Normalizing Your Database Structure

    Access databases often have a flat structure, that is, there are few tables and many fields in each table. Access works efficiently with tables containing many fields and fewer joins between tables, whereas SQL Server works more efficiently with narrower tables containing fewer fields and more relationships between tables. Combined with properly used indexes, you will see a vast improvement in database reads and updates, because SQL Server is efficient at selecting rapid, efficient joins between tables. ======================= A table should store only data for a single type of entity. Attempting to store too much information in a table can prevent the efficient and reliable management of the data…

  • Database

    Transfer from one DB to another DB [MS SQL Server]

    Source: From the Start Menu, select Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server -> Import and Export Data then click Next. In the Source Server field, type in the Name or IP of the source server (your server), choose Use SQL Server Authentication, type in your username and password, choose your database from the “Database” field, click Next. Note: You can also use Windows Authentication if the SQL server is a local server. In the Destination Server field, type in the hostname of the SeekdotNet SQL Server (this is listed in your hosting control panel), choose Use SQL Server Authentication, type in your SeekdotNet database username and password (this was sent…

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