
Cc: ‘Graeme Fraser’ <>

Date: 2007/02/16 @ 03:30 pm [GMT-5]

Dear Sir/ Madam:

Re: Missing pay

This is my third letter regarding this matter. Initially I sent the letter on January 04, 2007. Then I sent another letter on January 26, 2007.

I am missing my correct pay for the stat holidays. Following are the details:

  • For the week 42 [pay end date 2006-10-15], I was only paid 7.68 hours for the stat holiday.
  • For the week 22 [pay end date 2006-05-28], I was only paid 7.42 hours for the stat holiday.

The law is there should have been 13 weeks worked prior, to receive full stat holiday payment. I have been working for The AIM Group since January of 2006. Obviously, there are more than 13 weeks for the above mentioned stat holiday pay discrepancies.

Please consider this matter urgently and resolve this issue. Till date, I have not received any acknowledgement of re-paying the missing hours. I have posted this letter in my blog at The AIM Group and I.

Thank you and looking forward to have my money back.


From: Graeme Fraser []

Date: 2007/02/16 @ 04:03 pm [GMT-5]


This is and has been in the works and will be corrected. The accounting department has been quite busy with year end and taxation time (i.e. T-4 calculations).

In fact there is no law in regards to paying contractors for stat holidays. It is something that AIM does for employees after working 13 continuous weeks. The amount paid is based on a formula (rather complicated) involving working the day before and after a stat, and previous pay among other items.

I’m sorry for the delay but as I noted they are quite busy getting everyone’s tax information in order.

If you have further questions or comments, please give me a call.



Graeme Fraser
The AIM Group
130 Albert St.,Suite 126
Ottawa, ON.
K1P 5G4
Tel. 613-230-6991 Fax 613-230-7183

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