To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Dated: 2005/09/29 04:11 PM (GMT-5)
To Whom It May Concern:
I have heard on the news that EU is planning to mark the Tamil organization in SL, namely LTTE, as a terrorist group. I am very much in shock to hear this news. I would like to let you know my disappointment to this movement.
I understand the world is on a roller coaster ride with terrorists groups. Nevertheless, LTTE is not an organization of terrorists. I am a Sri Lankan Tamil living in Canada. LTTE is our sole representative. I am sure you have heard why the LTTE is formed and grown to this stage. If there was no oppression against Tamils living in Sri Lanka, then there would not have been countries let Tamils of Sri Lanka in Open Visa during 1985. More or less, the situtaion continues, but the blood shed is not done publicly as it was during 1985.
Therefore, I beg you not to name LTTE as one of the terrorist groups. LTTE do not mercilesly kill just for the sole purpose of threatening, as other world terrorist groups do.
Thank you for your understanding on this matter.
Dated: 2005/10/03 10:39 AM (GMT+1)
Dear Mr __________,
Thank you for your email of 29/09.05.
We have noted your comments.
Jolanda Bruynel
DG F – Information to the public
Secretariat General of the Council of the European Union
Tel.: +32-2-285.5650
Fax.: +32-2-235 4977
e-mail: [email protected]
You should not shock to hear that LTTE as a terrorist group because they are terrorist. I want to say that you are covered with a myth. They are not reprsentatives off tamil people. LTTE is destroying all young life and young tamil generation by doing this war. They force children to join this war(I have practical experiences). All people suffer not because of government but of LLTE. Because of this terrorist, lost so many valuable tamil and sinhala life. Prebakaran only think about his power. Can you guarante if prebakaran win this he won,t use his wepons to dominate people. At north east more than 300 000 sinhala and muslim people were displaced and their lands are occupied by LTTE. They have killed so many innocent sinhala and muslim people. Onnce near welikanda, LTTE killed all villagers in a sinhal village. They have killed prengant women and a 2 months child not even shooting but using axes(CUTING). More than 10 000 sinhala people have killed by LTTE. They do not want anything else but ruling power of north.(They already lost east) LTTEs first attack was “dore appa” one great tamil leader. They not only killed sinhala leaders but so many tamil leaders too. They killed any person who talk against them. People in north fear to talk aginst LTTE if they do so their families and life will go to heven as standing for truth. LTTE and their suppoters lie whloe world. They took advantages of some misleading politicain to gain their power.
It doesn’t mean all them are same. Solution for this problem is finsh all terrorist and give political solution to tamil people(not to LTTE). I can remember once they kill about 60 buddhist monks at “aranthalawa” while traveling on a bus. I am dissapointing to mention them as rebels they are truely terrorist,creatures. LTTE must wipe out from sri lanka. All foreign nation should help sri lankan army to finish this war. Any tamil people can go any where of country but not sinhala and muslim people. They can even set foot northen people. LTTE killed so many sinhala people while occuping norhern area.Still they are doing so by bomb blasting at other areas of the country. Tamil people at north suffer o poverty because of LTTE as they don’t let goverment to devolop this areas. If they let they surely know not a single people stay with them. what they want is to let people to suffer and take advantage to join terrorist.
All must get together to wipe out LTTE and let all inocent tamil people to live free.
Proud to be a sri lankan.
Niranjan,(Totaly Sri lankan)
Recently they killed an engineer working in development projects in Bati. That shows what ruthless terrorists they are. They don’t want those areas to be develop because then they can’t fool the people. How many tamil leaders they have killed up to now. Just because they don’t agree with you, you can’t kill others. Niranjan has rightly pointed out the barbaric history of LTTE so I don’t go for details again. LTTE even killed former Indian prime minister Rajive Ghandhi. Those who act like that are terrorists. Both Sinhalese and Tamil politicians have done wrong thing in the past, I agree. But as Sri Lankans we don’t like to divide this country for obvious reasons. Tamils live with Sinhalese peacefully in the southern part of the country and there are equally treated.