Baby Oviyaa

Finally you are here.
You were born on January 31, 2010 at 10:04 AM.
We named you Oviyaa.

You had a lot of visitors at the hospital. Your dad says that everyday you are becoming more beautiful. Both your grandmas are always helping me with your tasks. Your periyappa (dad’s 2nd brother) comes to see you everyday. He even calls from work in the evenings to check up on you.

You drink lots and lots of milk.  We have to give you bottle milk on top of breast milk.  Surprisingly, you started to give a kick [உன்னுத‌ல்] on your 4th day. You also started to lift your head by yourself and it looks like you are going to turn very soon.

Your dad’s and my life changed completely. We were once so free to do anything. Now with you in our life, everything is timed. Your dad says that right now our lives revolve around you. I was very emotional for the first few days because I could not talk to your dad properly, sit with him, hold hands or do any of those things we did before having you. We don’t eat together, we don’t watch TV together…..everything just changed. Right now your dad and I just have the time to think about you not about ourselves.

You smile a lot now. Everyone says that you look like me but have your dad’s long legs and arms. You are so tiny that one pillow is like your small bed.
You are sleeping now, so that’s why I was able to write this post.

Your smile takes all my miseries away
Your touch takes all my pain away
Your presence fills my world with delight
You’re a joy to all those you meet

You will learn many things…
You will want to reach for the sky
You will reach milestones, You will make mistakes
But your dad and I are here to guide you through!

We love you Oviyaa
With Love Appa & Amma

More to come…..stay tuned!