Very impatient….exhausted….
This is how I feel nowadays. I am so impatient…
I want to see you as soon as possible. I am always thinking when will you come.
Your appamma (your dad’s mom) is saying maybe you don’t know the way to come out…. hehehehe.
When your dad calls his friends to talk, their first question is “is the baby here?”
So everyone is just waiting for your arrival.
I am thinking that maybe you are just so comfortable in my tummy that you do not want to come out.
Your dad has become so concious about everything we do for you now. From buying pillows to how comfortable you will be. He is looking out for you already.
As I am typing this post, I am feeling your hicups. I think I do get contractions but it comes and goes so I think its just practice contractions.
I still have morning sickness…I throw up every morning! Yucky!!!!!!
My ob said that he will give you 2 more weeks to come out if not, he will have to induce the labor; which both your dad and I do not want. We are just so eager to see you. I know that means alot of pain for me but its all good.
Just wondering how you will turn out to be………mmmmmmmmmmmm
Best wishes for your baby’s arrival!
Thank you very much for your wishes and thank you for also visiting my site.